The Nottoway Mansion: The Largest Intact Antebellum Mansion

The Nottoway Mansion, located between Baton Rouge and New Orleans, Louisiana, is the South’s largest fully intact antebellum-era plantation. Recently renovated to restore the property to its former glory, the Nottoway is an excellent venue for weddings and other special events. It also offers historical tours in which guests can walk the grounds and learn the history of the family that lived in the mansion for hundreds of years. It also features forty rooms for guests to stay in overnight, two honeymoon suites, two grand ballrooms that hosted some of the most famous Southern luminaries of the past hundred and fifty years, a Grand Pavilion, and a restaurant.


The recent renovation of the Nottoway Mansion added many guest amenities for corporate and social events, in addition to restoring the historic grounds. Now with more luxury rooms and full event facilities, the Nottoway Mansion remains one of the most popular stops between Baton Rouge and New Orleans. The Nottoway has long been an attraction for all ages, with tours gliding through the sprawling grounds seven days a week and featuring incredible stories of the old South amidst one of its largest and most magnificent properties in southern Louisiana.

Neil Castaldi is the Vice President of Operations for the Nottoway Mansion, as well as Managing Partner. His diligence when planning the budget and handling profit and loss duties for the company allowed Nottoway to undergo a $35 million renovation to make the grounds and the facilities more enjoyable and open to more people in the area.